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Please refer to the following link for 2014/2015’s 1st issue of SAS Monthly.
Here are some of the highlights in this issue:
- New SAS President
We would like to welcome Oi San as our new President, and Matthew as our Vice President. Read about their perspectives on how to take SAS to the next level. We would also like to thank Jill after 4 years as SAS’s President. We would like to thank Jill for her contribution in transforming the SAS into a much larger organization and for encouraging more members to come forth and volunteer with the SAS.
- Council Update
Our Honorary Secretary, Raymond, would update us on changes to the Council after the AGM.
- Committee Reports
We would like to update you on new Chairpersons of the Committees, and changes to the Professional Affairs Committee and Education Committee.
We hope that you would enjoy this issue.
Thank you.
Ocean Wai Yeung CHIU
Singapore Actuarial Society